Rules Are Made To Be BROKEN!

Infinity Weddings and Events
Weddings, weddings, weddings… We often don’t know where to start or simply what we should do… And this is not counting on family and friend’s (un)solicited advice… Well, let us tell you a secret:
Your wedding, your rules.
Your wedding, your rules.

Getting married in white became a tradition under the Victorian Era (19s century) to symbolised purity and virtue… But before that, brides were wearing any kind of colours so why couldn’t you do the same?

You don’t have to invite someone to be polite

It is not easy as people will be expecting to be invited but it doesn’t have to be a boomerang situation. Your wedding is made to be with people you truly want and there is so many reasons to not invite some of your relatives. In the same topic, you do not have to choose your best man or maid of honours because your have been theirs.

You can walk the aisle with your partner

Did you know that in France, the groom walks down the aisle too? On their mom’s arm, followed by their bride on their dad’s arm. But you can also walk down the aisle with anyone you trust from your parents to your best friend!

To put that in perspective: Wedding traditions are different from one country to another…
Trust us when we say whatever you decide will work and it will be great because you’ve chosen what makes YOU happy… 😉

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6/29 Biscane Way, Jandakot, WA.
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